Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Wow summer is going fast or is that just my bike? Okay...that was corny but she is quick. Note: No speed limits were broken getting anywhere on this nice ride...honest.

I have had some great fun riding and have gone out to BC twice. Mostly on PR missions to promote the upcoming KGB show (see previous blog)- putting up posters and talking to riding groups and bike dealerships. In the process I have met a lot of new riding friends many of whom plan to ride out for the show.
Remember you don't have to be a biker to attend but I'd recommend against pulling a big RV or driving a motor home out to Toad Rock. There are easy to get to, bland places for those without a sense of adventure and their big whimp style of 'roughing' it. :-p

This pic is from Whiterock BC where I rode for lunch with Peter Kelamis and his wife on a recent trip. Peter is hilarious and is part of this year's KGB show and will be riding out on his new V-Rod Harley. Plus I have Mike Patterson (Montreal) flying in to be a part of this fun outing so this year's show will be a blast!! Book your site now as we will run out.
If you have a group of six or more riders or campers let me know and I'll get you the group discount.
Any riders that wish to join me on the trip I leave a day early, Aug 7 bright and early!! (that means 9am in comic speak)

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