Monday, December 01, 2008

Sorry crooks, we ELECT our government in Canada

Well some back door policies of the NDP, Liberals and the worst of the bunch, the seperatist Bloc are afoot. They have conspired to steal democracy from the people of Canada by planning a coalition government and giving us a new leader. WHAT?!?
We just had a democratic election and now the NDP want to get in bed with the anti-Canadian Bloc and the corrupt Liberals to steal away what was elected? Maybe the USA can "fix" who runs their mess but that is not going to happen here in Canada.
If you want your voice to be heard please sign the online petition
Here is the link:
Petition to stop coalition

I'll be damned if some anti-Canada douche bags of society, that are intent on breaking up Canada, will help run (or is that ruin?) this great land.
Please pass this link on to others.
The true north strong and FREE!!
Stephane Dion, Jack Layton and especially Gilles Duceppe, you are all traitors in my books. Take your coalition and shove it up your undemocratic asses.

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