Tuesday, November 25, 2008

If 3 months have passed then its time to blog.

What has it been, a few months? Oops, my bad. There are many that do a daily blog and quite frankly I don't know where they find the time. I will promise to make more entries is the best I can do. I know it drives my lurkers nuts when I am silent. How's that ice berg? Have you backed up the ship to ram it again?

Today was busy, as many of them are, but it is that time of the year. If you have not planned your Christmas (or non-denominational holiday observance of your choosing) party's entertainment yet, you'd better hurry. I have many weekends I could have sold my show 2-5 times. If only we could spread that demand over the whole year. Those of you booking last minute may find the quality of comics a bit picked over but you never know.

I took a walk tonight to get some fresh air...okay, I was driving my car adding to the problem (but this story would have been cooler if I was on foot) and was at the end of my street where a small park sits. It moved. Looking again I saw legs and then the deer emerged from the dark. Not just one but 5 of them! On a city street with a view of the downtown just across the river, 5 whitetail deer wandered across the road and disappeared into the trees. I love this city. That is something you just can't get in places like Toronto or even Vancouver unless you live in the burbs.

Alright, enough gushing about my city. Recently my Comedy Detour room hosted the Prince Edward Island Comedy Festival show case. 14 comics took to the stage to impress Marie-France Theriault in one massive show. The talent in Alberta has grown so much that I could have filled 2 shows like that. I wish all the comics well and we await to see who gets to attend the 2009 festival.

This week I have to admit that the riding season is over and get my trusted bike, 'Suzy B' into the shop for its winter tune up so I can store it away...and pray for a big chinook to bring us a day of riding.If the so called experts are correct some G-warming is a-coming
talk to you all later


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